Jorge Zuñiga Blanco offers crucial sales and marketing tips for entrepreneurs

When marketing is done properly, it can mean huge gains for a business. However, when done incorrectly, the business might as well be throwing money into a fire. Since entrepreneurs must be whatever their independent company needs – constantly – it very well may be hard to ace every one of the subtleties that go into sales or marketing activities, especially for those who are not natural salespeople. Jorge Zuñiga Blanco, a successful businessman from Costa Rica, explains some of the tips startups should employ to make their sales and marketing efforts more productive and less wasteful.

It’s important to highlight why a company’s product stands out from the competition. However, this needs to be done by showing the benefits of the product or service – not by diminishing the competitor. There are often three areas where this can be accomplished effectively – cost, quality or a combination of both. Explains Zuñiga, “Selling is promoting the benefit. Comparing your product or service might showcase the features it offers, but the ultimate goal needs to be how to sell the benefit – how your alternative will improve the consumer’s life.”

One area that many novice business owners often view as unimportant is the customer response. Customer feedback, input, suggestions, etc. will drive a business further than virtually any other aspect of business growth. The consumer always knows what he or she wants better than the retailer.

A few organizations hold up until their item is perfect before they do any showcasing or major campaigning. That can be a mistake that can cost serious revenue. Numerous organizations hope to sell their item when it’s prepared but, if there isn’t any awareness, demand will begin at zero when the product or service is launched, leading up to a longer ramp-up period with no income.

Always be prepared to think outside the box. Asserts Zuñiga, “There are a lot of new online marketing techniques that weren’t available previously that now offer highly effective marketing channels. Things like social media and social media influencers, content marketing, crowdsourcing, among others, can be powerful tools. Use them creatively and help your company stand out from the rest.”

Advertising is equal to using marketing material to promote or sell a product or service. Press releases are used to promote the brand or the business. They can be an invaluable tool that will help raise awareness without a sales pitch, which will ultimately lead to increased sales.

Customer feedback is always important, whether it’s positive or negative. Asserts Zuñiga, “You’re your clients somewhere to leave feedback. It gives them the ability to see that you care what they think and can also give you vital details to help improve operations.”

By giving a spot on your site for feedback, you not only can control the issue but can address it in a timely manner. This will go a long way in ensuring customer satisfaction.

One additional tip for startups is to create programs that reward loyalty and interest. Word-of-mouth can be a retailer’s best friend or its worst enemy and rewarded customers are more likely going to be best friends.

Written By

Jorge Zuñiga B
