Jorge Zuñiga Blanco explains how to attract new customers to an eCommerce business

Currently, the Internet offers a lot of innovative options to help us visualize our brand or business. This way, we will be able to retain our customers. However, attracting new customers can be a difficult task, but it is necessary to be proactive. Jorge Zuñiga Blanco, a successful entrepreneur from Costa Rica, explains how eCommerce companies can introduce effective strategies to attract new customers.

To make a business work properly, it is not enough to maintain and retain loyalty. It is also necessary to be consistent in our goals of attracting new customers. For this, it is essential to offer confidence, security and simplicity in the purchase options. Certainly, some elements are required for the process to be optimal. Taking this into account, it’s important to study what the options are that best suit you.

Nowadays, and having new technologies available, any online business must have a presence on several social platforms. “No matter what type of audience or product you manage,” explains Zuñiga, “through them, we can promote services continuously. Even social networks can be of great help when it comes to marketing, communication and direct sales campaigns.”

For example, Instagram and Facebook are the most powerful networks to promote products. This is because they rely on the image as the main element. On the other hand, platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube can also be used to achieve your goal. Of course, it won’t be necessary to use all networks, only the ones that fit your market.

This point is related to the first since closeness to the customer is everything. Our eCommerce must have a notebook that provides quality content to our customers and visitors. The important thing is to put the user at the center and provide shopping facilities. In addition, a blog will always help you position your site in search engines.

The advantage of a blog is that it generates activity in users, since you provide information of interest that they can use or share. The content you provide can be varied; however, it is recommended that it be related to your industry. On the other hand, just as your text content has to attract and be useful, the visual content must also be of quality. You must remember that images enter through the eyes, and in an eCommerce, photography is everything.

Certainly, social media is essential in any eCommerce business, but marketing and positioning techniques are even more so. States Zuñiga, “You must select the keywords to achieve visibility on the Internet. In this case, it is important to be creative and different from your competitors. Whether you use SEM (Search Engine Marketing) or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) techniques, your positioning should be effective.”

If you want to be more successful, your customer service must be great. This is essential to create a buying climate that provokes action on the customer. Taking this into account, try to have different communication channels for your customers to contact you. Among the most important are mail, phone, WhatsApp Business, the web or social networks. It is important to be clear about the answers and, above all, to be fast. Currently, the competition is fierce and your competitors can get ahead of you without you noticing.

The public loves to get things for free or at low cost. This is not to say that you will always sell at low prices, but eventually, you can do. So, promoting products, making special offers, launching contests or even making gifts is a very effective strategy. In addition, these tactics also help to constantly interact with customers. Simply put, they will be aware of your possible movements.

There are many companies that focus on a single means of payment. The truth of all, is that this reality can harm the purchasing processes. In fact, it is proven that the few forms of payment can generate high rates of cart abandonment. For that reason, it is essential that you provide different methods to your customers.

If the customer is not satisfied with the product, it is necessary to refund the economic amount. These returns should be prompt. As for shipments, they are related to the courier service and, therefore, to our suppliers. In short, the eCommerce platform should offer a fast service and offer facilities in terms of receiving the package and picking it up. To ensure this, you must have a good transport agency that fits your needs.

Finally, analyzing your customers can help you connect more with them. Once you know your potential customers, it will be easier to attract new customers to your eCommerce. Of course, you cannot forget to explore all possible avenues, get their attention, offer your products more attractively and, above all, easier. Remember, the small details are what make the difference.

Written By

Jorge Zuñiga B
