Jorge Zuñiga Blanco discusses what it takes to excel as a business leader

Business leadership entails mutual respect and appreciation among all the members of the work team, but to be a good leader, it is necessary to gather a series of skills and have a clear vision of the direction of the company. Jorge Zuñiga Blanco, a successful businessman from Costa Rica, offers the characteristics of a leader and the traits that define those who best know how to motivate and guide others.

To become the leader that every team wants to have, it is important that you adapt your skills and personality to the requirements of the labor market and society and, above all, always be respectful of those people around you and form (or may form, in the future) part of your team.

To be a good leader in the company, you must encourage the existence of effective communication within the organization, which prioritizes the knowledge of the mission, objectives and tasks of the same, so that employees feel motivated, support you and that you can exercise control correctly.

A good leader must be a successful person in his activity. For that to happen, he or she must be clear about the principles of strategy, transparency, honesty and respect.

Success is in turning anything into money. The leader in a good company will seek to transform what he sells into a proposal of true value for his client, then he must be able to transmit it assertively and finally know how to close the business.

A third recommendation is to get workers to identify with the mission and vision of the business. If a company does not gradually develop leadership skills among its employees, it is condemning itself to not grow.

Subsequently, there is the experience and technical knowledge, since these help but are only inputs for this art of doing business. Therefore, one of the most difficult skills of a leader to develop is to make money honestly and systematically.

States Zuñiga, “The success of a company not only depends on the sales or positioning that it has in the market, but on the management and operation of the organization. In fact, business expansion and growth are factors closely related to the management model applied by the person in charge of the company.”

Cultivate your humility. A good leader should be characterized by being humble. Far from being arrogant, he must know how to listen to others and always think about the benefit of collectivity.

Know how to stay in control. One of the keys to being a good leader lies in the ability to maintain control of all situations. To achieve this, it is important to always seek the projection of trust towards others, to have well defined the objectives of the organization and to develop strategic thinking that allows us to know how to solve certain problems.

Learn continuously. A leader will achieve success through continuous learning with his collaborators. That is why you should always seek to be surrounded by people who feed you back.

Don’t make differences or distinctions. To lead a company effectively, it is important that all staff are treated equally, since each member is part of the same team. Leaders must be clear that their role is to keep their group together, giving them the place they deserve with respect and without harming their integrity.

Don’t be a conformist. A leader who wants to be successful works continuously with his collaborators. Learn from them, fight against their weaknesses and plan tactics in the face of possible unforeseen events.

Internal traits such as your personality or your way of acting will largely define your leadership profile. This definition will also involve external factors, such as the culture of the company and the industry in which it is immersed, among others.

Pay attention to what the competition does. Knowing your movements within the market, what you are innovating in, are interesting data to be one step ahead of the competition.

Learn from experience. Experience is a master of successes and mistakes. You never know when we may relive a similar situation and need the experience to resolve situations.

Delegate and prioritize tasks. The tasks to delegate vary according to the sector of the company in which the leader works. It is always essential to have a good team to delegate tasks to.

Make smart decisions. It is at this point that the leaders err the most. He says it’s easy to fall into the temptation of taking shortcuts. The important thing is to keep the objectives clear and follow the right path.

Involve all stakeholders. “In addition to taking into account the opinion of employees and investors,” adds Zuñiga, “it is the customers that a leader should listen to. You have to give them as much information as possible and integrate them into the decision-making processes, taking into account their opinions.”

The world of work is increasingly competitive, which is why professionals are constantly updated in relation to their knowledge and skills. On the latter, there is a good part of them that must be trained and improved if we want to become the leaders and references in our profession, in order to serve our work team effectively and become better professionals.

Those who want to achieve success in the workplace must not only have solid knowledge in the area they work, but also some skills that allow them to improve their relationship with the work team, have a nose for the opportunities that arise in the market, look for disruptive solutions and give the best of themselves in their work.

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